Confidentiality regarding safeguarding and reporting concerns
Confidentiality is an issue which requires discussion and understanding by all those working with young people and vulnerable adults, particularly in the context of child protection. Normally, personal information should only be disclosed to third parties with the consent of the subject of that information.
Wherever possible, consent should be obtained before sharing personal information with third parties. In some circumstances, consent may not be possible or desirable by the safety and welfare of the child dictates that the information should be shared.
Clear boundaries of confidentiality will be communicated. Staff have a professional responsibility to share relevant information about the protection of young people and vulnerable adults with other professionals.
If a young person or vulnerable adult confides in a member of staff and requests the information is kept secret, it is important the member of staff tells the young person or vulnerable adult in an appropriately sensitive way that s/he has a responsibility to refer cases of alleged abuse to the appropriate people in VTS and they should be assured the matter will be disclosed only to people who need to know.
All personal information regarding a young person or vulnerable adult will be kept confidential expect when:
- It is suspected that a young person under 18 years is the victim of abuse
- It is suspected that other young people under 18 years are at risk from abuse
- It is suspected that a vulnerable adult is at risk from abuse
The DSL and SO will liaise with the learner, if appropriate, in respect of disclosure to agencies.
Reporting abuse
If you would like to disclose abuse suffered by yourself or another learner, you can inform your assessor in confidence, and they will refer the matter to the safeguarding officer who in turn will discuss with the Safeguarding lead.
If you would like to report direct to the safeguarding officer, please see their e mail on the safeguarding homepage.
All safeguarding issues will be dealt with and responded to and taken seriously and dealt with in a professional and supportive manner.